Lipstick Pepper Seller

Just by reading the newspaper or by watching the evening news you will find that the incidence of date rape is up and the number of assaults on women has significantly increased! How can a woman help avoid these tragedies? One way is to arm herself with what appears to be an everyday cosmetic that will give her more peace of mind when out and about.

Lipstick pepper sprays are just the thing! We are used to women applying lipstick almost anywhere. Just about every woman carries a lipstick in her purse or pocket. Well, now a woman can be 'armed' without anyone being aware of it.

Lipstick Pepper Spray is a small but effective canister containing pepper spray which, when sprayed in the face, will stop any attacker in his tracks and let him know that he messed with the wrong woman. You might ask how much damage can be contained in a small lipstick tube.

If you were the attacker, you would be very surprised when you were sprayed again and again. In fact, a small lipstick case can contain about 20 half-second sprays with a range of 10 feet or so. That's enough power to give you time to get away and call 911.

One other thing -- not only people can pose a danger. You might also be threatened by a dog or other animal. One or two squirts from a Lipstick Pepper Spray and the animal will scram very quickly. Lipstick pepper sprays were designed to protect women from any attacker. They are small, compact and almost unnoticeable but pack a wallop.

No woman should be without one. Don't be the next victim of an attack of any kind. Lipstick Pepper Spray could save your life. Please pass this information to your family and friends to show how much you care for their safety.

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Buying a bestselling lipstick will have you knowing that you are buying a product that is well liked and used because it is an amazing product.They will give you the perfect blend of quality and luxury with some chic style and fun colors. If you have never warn a designer lipstick before then you will be surprised at how much you will love putting it on your lips


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P.P.S Lip Gloss is a cosmetic that gives shine or gloss to the lips Just Visit Here

P.P.P.S "Lip gloss is a substance that is either bottled or placed into a tube for applying to the lips to make them shine, and to protect them" Just Click Here

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